Europan inter-sessions forum E17/E18
ETSAM Madrid 18-19.10.24

Why this forum?

The INTER-SESSION FORUM is designed as a moment of European meeting between two Europan sessions, around the celebration of the 101 winning teams of Europan 17, debates around the theme of Europan 18 ‘RE-SOURCING’ and the E18 new sites. 

The Forum will take place in Madrid from October 18th to 19th, 2024 at the invitation of ETSAM (Escuela Técnica Superior deArquitectura de Madrid) in an architectural setting conducive to maximum exchanges and interactions between representatives of European sites and cities of different sessions, award-winning teams, experts and organizers.

The debates will be structured based on engaged urban, landscape and architectural experiences, and their comparison as processes of regeneration of specific inhabited milieus but sharing common points.
How can we aknowledge them and how can we create interactions between all the stories ofthe actors who carry them? How to create a dialogue around the resourcing of territories and places which need to be adapted to climate change in a logic of circular economy?